Thursday, November 01, 2007

Changing my Outlets

All of the sudden I get the feeling of depression. I am not sure if it has been building up with me and I am finally noticing it or if it just hit me as I sat here at the computer.

I just feel kinda weird. sorta lost.

Not really wanting to do anything but needing to do everything. Maybe I am feeling overwhelmed.

Did not get the part I wanted in a play I auditioned for. It has been a long time since I have set my foot on stage as someone else and I miss it. I am thinking seriously about giving it up and finding another outlet.
I have been trying to write more and paint, I think I need to concentrate more on writing and painting and not worry about acting..

I need to focus more on one thing than several different things, because I think I have stretched myself to the point of snapping.

I will think on it this weekend...