Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My cure for the Economy...

The economy sucks and the government thinks giving money to the Car makers will stimulate the economy. They are WRONG!!! The only thing it will stimulate is the conglomerate’s pockets giving them a cheap thrill! And within a few months nothing will have changed, except now the government will have to be “Bailed out by some other country”

What the government needs to do and I am proposing to each and every one who happens by my blogg, to write or call their congressmen and demand the “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Yes that is what I said “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Here is how it works.

Take the money the government is planning on giving to the multi million dollar companies who can’t seem to manage "pouring piss out of a boot with the directions on the heal”, and give to the tax payers of the United States.

Now we worked the basics out below,
The government gives “US”, the tax payers the bail out money instead of the conglomerates, splitting it up among us. This would approximately give each tax payer about $100,000.00 each. (In some house holds it would be double because of two tax payers)

Now “We The People”, will in turn take this money and start paying off bills; buying new cars; buying new housing; rebuilding on existing housing; buying new clothes; pay for college; take trips; go to restaurants; go dancing; buy groceries; buy gas; have that elective surgery; and save some for a rainy day.
These small actions by “US” the lowly Tax payer will be in the long run “STIMULATING” the economy by “trickling up” the funds that the government provided.

The trickle up theory would make for a much faster turn around in the economy (buy just about 9 months) and the economy would be better, not perfect but better.

If you think this proposal is a good one then please by all means LET THE GOVERNMENT KNOW!!!” Before they throw money away !!

Thank you

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Don't Understand....

I do not know how to take this any more.
You confuse me….
I don’t understand

There are moments when I can see right though you.
I know what you are thinking and how you are feeling.
Other moments are muddled with emotion that I cannot explain…
Leaving me in the dark again, alone, trying to find my way back.

Why do I care if you don’t
Why should it matter to me if it does not matter to you….
Why can’t I just leave and let you go..

I don’t understand.
You confuse me
I do not know how to take this any more..

Monday, September 29, 2008

Another Accident....

My Daughter has had her first car accident.
She was not hurt(thank god), and the accident was not her fault (yah!!), however it has been and will be a total inconvenience for her and for me.

Today by 10:30, I have had at least 6 calls from different auto-body repair and medical (chiropractic ) repair. Austin had 15 calls concerning the same thing! This is what I consider assault and abuse of one’s time and sanity!
It is like a feeding frenzy! They smell a little bit of burnt rubber and hear the crunch of metal against metal and the vultures swarm and circle hoping to land for smorgasbord of green that may have bled from the pockets the insurance company.
It is ridiculous to have to deal with the vultures, beating them off with a stick, telling them point blank that they are ambulance chasers and need to find another victim. I am tired of it! And the mail has not started yet!
Now I know these vultures have to do their job, but I mean really! 21 calls total before 10:30?? What happened to privacy! We have privacy laws protecting us from people having access to our medical records without our permission, privacy laws for employers to follow about our employment, why cannot we have privacy for accidents we have? If she was hurt, I have a doctor that we can go to. If she had gotten seriously hurt then the hospital would have been the next choice.
I am not going to send her to some fly-by-night phone call chiropractor that may have gotten their degree from a mail order catalog! I would have taken her to her trusted doctor and if need be, he could refer me to what ever specialist needed to assist her in her recovery.
I am sure there are people, who do not have regular doctors and may appreciate a call or two, but maybe not 20 of them, but who knows they may like the attention. Maybe they want to sock it to the other person, especially if it means sucking money out of an insurance company.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not in any way shape or form have an “in” with the insurance company, I don’t work for them nor do I advertise for them. I just don’t believe in getting money for something that is contrived by a scare tactic or that was not deserved in any way shape or form.
But, if it was “needed”, by all means she would have been in the hospital getting what ever medical attention needed, and the insurance company would have covered it.

I am just glad that the other guy had insurance. His insurance has been very nice to me and my daughter (I know I am just a claim number) and they have handled this with the up-most professionalism.
They have totaled her car; she has only had this car for about 4 months. The check thy provided was at least 100.00 more that what she originally paid for the car (we have already deposited the check) , so we have begun looking for another car. They have given us a week and a half to find another car before they take the broken one. Her car is still drivable and it the damage caused did not seem it would have totaled the car, but the insurance stated that inside damage may have incurred which will move the price even higher, so it was best to total it.

So now we are franticly looking for another car. One that runs and one that is good on gas; hopefully the calls will stop, the mail will slow; such a pain;
I am so thankful that she was not hurt…

Friday, September 26, 2008


I cannot sleep… and yet I sleep way too much
I cannot cry… or I cry all of the time
I cannot laugh… or I laugh not enough
I cannot sing… well never could anyway
I cannot hear…. Yet I listen
I cannot live…. Yet I do

Saturday, August 23, 2008


There are 365 days in a year…..
24 hours in a day……
60 minutes in an hour……
60 seconds in minute……

This cannot change. We cannot add more time. These are set and precise
No matter how hard we want to or how hard we wish, we cannot add another minute to that hour, squeeze another hour to that day; an extra day to the year. We are limited to these constraints.

More time is not the answer……
A different way of looking at it may be…….
Find time to manage time……

Friday, July 11, 2008

not in a good place ...

Don't know where I am coming from and don't know where I have been.
Just not in a good place right now

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Tribute To Dad

Days have past...
I still think of you ...
I miss you...

Months have past...
Bad memories have faded...
I honor you...

Years have past...
You are still in my heart...
I Love you...

Monday, May 26, 2008


Everyone has thoughts that they do not share with anyone.
Possibly the only person who understands you is yourself. .
There are thoughts that I would not talk to anyone about, keeping them hidden with in me.
I am not an open book.
I have chapters that no one has seen.
My mind jumps and fumbles over these thoughts all day long, fantasizing.
Everyday, something happens and I fantasize on what could have happened.
Sometimes, it scares me how my mind works

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Path of Time

Often I walk the path of time
Seeking a dream
........................... Listening for happiness
Wanting a Taste of experience
...........................Needing a scent of excitement
Craving the touch of love

It is but a fleeting moment and the path ends

Friday, April 11, 2008

My day today........

This day started as any other day at work. Moving stuff around the warehouse and making sure there is enough work for people to do.

At my job I use a walkie-talkie to talk to lift drivers and to convey information and instructions through out the day. Well on this day, my walkie-talkie sat on my desk and all at once we started hearing other strange voices, coming over the radio, and we soon discovered that we were listening to the police dealing with a gunman and a hostage situation on a bus somewhere close to where I work.
It was quite interesting to listen to police and the excitement of what they were doing, but we never figured out where it was or what happened at the end. The radio would only pick up about half of the conversations and I think after a while they moved out of range or changed frequencies. We never heard how it ended. I tried looking on the news web sites and did not find anything.

Then this evening, I went to a local mall to walk around and do some shopping. I was not there more than 10 minutes, when I was stopped from crossing through a portion of the mall by the police cording off the area because of a suspicious small suit case or back pack that had been left unattended tucked behind a garbage can.
The police were guiding people away from the area and the bomb squad was called in along with bomb sniffing dogs.
We stood back about 100 feet and watched or tried to watch what was going on. It was quite exciting, especially when the brought in water cannon and exploded the back pack in the mall! People behind me screamed and ran the other direction. I, along with another lady stood and laughed at the whole situation. I guess we were more excited than scared.
They finally let us past the rope and I watched as the detectives in a smaller corded area, cleaned up and picked up small bits of debris from the exploded bag. I was quite impressed with what they were doing and wished that I could have been a part of their team.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2:30 AM Can't sleep.

It is 2:30 am and I should be in bed, but my mind is working overtime right now and not letting me relax.
Things I have to get done;

Making, or pulling together Pirate costumes for “Pirates of Penzance”.

Cleaning out the basement after the flood;
Dealing with the insurance company over the flooded basement;
The Washer dying after the flood and having to go to the laundry mat and spending time and money to get clean clothes for the week;

Kitchen remodel that has come to a stand still because of the basement flood;

School issues with my son Braden who seems to think a “D” is an acceptable grade;
Making time for my daughter Austin when she calls and wants me to help her;

Work issues/ trying to get projects completed or at least to a reasonable point to where I feel like I have accomplished something instead of spinning around in my chair;
Dealing with other stuff at work;

I wish my mind would not work so hard in making things seem more complicated than it is. Or at least allow my brain to zone out so I could sleep……..

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Snow and more snow.....

When it was all said and done, we averaged about 16 inches of white fluffy stuff.

Friday, February 08, 2008

passes and advances.

How do you know when someone is making a pass at you; or a subtle advance? Or was it just a simple touch, a slip of the hand. Where his fingers brush across yours in a way that makes you wonder why he would touch you at all.
Was there a need?
I mean yes, he was handing me something, but he did not necessarily need to touch my hand to hand it to me, but he did.
And it did not feel as a simple touch, but more of a deliberate touch, one where he had to reach out with his fingers and move across the back of my hand, and linger just long enough that it did not feel as an accidental touch.
I talk to a lot of guys at work and a lot of them get a kick out of teasing me, and having fun with me, but I know that it is all in fun and it does not bother me in the least.
But this one guy, I don’t know.
I don’t know, maybe I am stupid and read more into things than I should.
I am not that good looking and I don’t have a body worth looking at either, so why would any one make any type of a pass at me?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Workin for a Livin....

Working to pay the bills and working to have some extra cash. However you work over time everyday; all the time; no weekends to call your own, then is it for living? Or are you living to work.
This seems to be happening lately with me. For the past 3 days I have put in a total of around 13 hours of overtime and it is only Wednesday. It seems that I get home, have a glass of wine then go to bed early because I am exhausted and I am up again at 6am to start again. Nothing is getting done at the house, such as cleaning or home improvement projects.
I have to sit back and wonder, is it all worth it. Is it worth the extra effort to have money to spend or am I fooling myself. If I work all of this over time, then I have no time to do the things that I want.

Question to ponder……..
If a tornado swooped down and took all that you worked for in one single sweep; your house is gone. The car is gone. All your stuff that you had collected over the years is gone; what would you do? Everything you worked for is gone and the only thing you have is the clothes on your back. Would you start again in getting back the “things” that you lost with your insurance money (that is if you had insurance)?
Or would you take a different direction….

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mother’s Worst Nightmare

There are times when being a mother is a joy and it gives you all the wealth you could ever imagine.
There are times when being a mother, pulls every emotion out of your body leaving you with no energy to deal with everyday life.
Austin, my daughter broke her finger today at college; ended up in the emergency room and now has a splint on it.
Now I know what you are saying… Not a big deal! It’s only a finger! It’s not like she broke her neck or got run over by a speeding semi!
No it is not like that…but you still go through the same emotions.
In my mind as I was going to the hospital was “It’s only a finger… not like she cut her hand off” but I was also thinking at the same time “she could have cut her hand off, or she could have got hit by a semi” It could have been much worse than what it was. I was grateful that it was only a finger.
My emotions seem to always run a muck through my mind thinking up different scenarios of what could happen to my kids and how to deal with it; trying to make me feel more prepared to handle any crisis that may come along. However, when it comes right down to it, there is not a way to make you more “prepared”. You have to have faith that your kids will make it through life unscathed, and if they don't, pray that you have the the ability to handle it

I know that I cannot always protect her while she is away from school and I have to trust her own instincts when it comes to decisions on what she does through life, but it scares me.
Its all part of growing up, and not just her, but me as well.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Friday was my day for depression. It started sometime in the morning and got progressively worse through out the day. I am not sure why or what brings on days like this but I have them every once in a while.

I get the feeling of over whelming helplessness and or sadness, where I don’t think I can do anything or feel any other emotion except loneness. I cannot handle being with anyone I know, and I don’t want to be alone either.
So I will wonder in stores or malls for hours. with people milling around, I am not alone; but I am.
This past Friday I wondered in and out of stores for about three hours. Did not really buy anything, nor did I really look at anything. I just wandered about.

Saturday I was fine. I worked on my book; did laundry; took Austin driving. I kept busy most of the day. So I am better now for the most part.

I just would like to figure out why I get depressed like that. It does not happen often, maybe once or twice every six months or so, and then it goes away. Hormonal? Maybe, but I don’t think so.

I don’t take any medication for it which is a good thing, and I don’t think I need to since I only have bouts of it every once in a while. I just want to know why

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I am not too old to...

.....Laugh and Play
.......................Run in open fields
.....Lay in the sun’s ray
.......................Sing when the mood yields
.....Watch the stars in awe
.......................Dance in the falling rain
…..Watch the ants crawl
.......................Fly a paper airplane
…..Roll down a grassy hill
.......................Swing up high
.....Dream by my window sill