Sunday, January 20, 2008


Friday was my day for depression. It started sometime in the morning and got progressively worse through out the day. I am not sure why or what brings on days like this but I have them every once in a while.

I get the feeling of over whelming helplessness and or sadness, where I don’t think I can do anything or feel any other emotion except loneness. I cannot handle being with anyone I know, and I don’t want to be alone either.
So I will wonder in stores or malls for hours. with people milling around, I am not alone; but I am.
This past Friday I wondered in and out of stores for about three hours. Did not really buy anything, nor did I really look at anything. I just wandered about.

Saturday I was fine. I worked on my book; did laundry; took Austin driving. I kept busy most of the day. So I am better now for the most part.

I just would like to figure out why I get depressed like that. It does not happen often, maybe once or twice every six months or so, and then it goes away. Hormonal? Maybe, but I don’t think so.

I don’t take any medication for it which is a good thing, and I don’t think I need to since I only have bouts of it every once in a while. I just want to know why

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get similar feelings. I think it's just something some people are susceptible to, and a thing that can be made easier by eating well and doing exercise. As soon as you start feeling down, go on a walk or run. It helps.