Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Attraction. What attracts a man to a woman? What attracts a woman to a man? These are questions that have often pondered in my head, especially when I run across a man that I find very appealing and that attracts me. That is what I always ask, what about this person do I find alluring to me? And each one is different, some men it is the way they look. Others it is their personality. And there are even some, it is the way they smell (not stink mind you) but certain men to have a nice aroma about them either their cologne or after shave they use, or maybe they have not used anything and it is their body chemistry. Sometimes it is also the way they look at you and you are left wondering, are they attracted to you? Or are they having a senior moment and they have lost all thoughts in reality.Men are hard to read sometimes. Some of them they hide their feelings all to well but when they think no one is paying attention to them, then they let their guard slip and you can catch that fleeting thought they are feeling at that moment. Others have thoughts that you can see in the way the look at you and you know just what they are thinking. And still others are so blatantly obvious that you get the feeling that all they want to do is jump your bones. As I do not think that I am attractive enough for any man to feel any sort of an attraction with just looking at me. I think that my personality does seem to attract some attention in this manner. (At least I hope) It makes one feel that they are at least not a total dog.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


We all have our own insecurities, Our own acceptance level of our selves, and how we precieve ourselves in the minds of others. If we fit or not in a certain group of friends or do we feel an outsider amoung our most intimate friends. Its funny how we think and feel about things.
Sometimes I can go through the day and not care where I am at, or what I may say, until it is already spoken and out in the open for all to critique. Then I worry about what people may think of me, which puts me on the outside of most things.
Then I get over it and move on.
It does not matter what other people think of me, it is how I think of myself that matters.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Have not been here for a while...  Kinda interesting that people will write on these things their most intimate thoughts, or their fears, or just ramble on about nothing. Just so people can come in and take a peak at what that person may be like. Thousands upon thousands of people can look at this, or no-one at all will look and read what I have wrote. Almost like that old saying "If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to here it , does it make a sound?"
What sound am I making?