Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Inconvenience of Convenience.

You don’t realize how convenient things are to your every day lives until they become inconvenient for use.

My car battery is dead. That in itself throws my life into a virtual tail spin. The most convenient tool that has ever been invented is now a "can" with seats and wheels sitting in the driveway with life support attached to it. I am now stuck waiting to see if the car will live, so I can go to the store to buy more convenient things to make our lives better.
Or do they?? We are so dependant on convenience, that when those convenient things we buy, becomes inconvenient for use we are at a panic!

We don’t know how to function without electricity (another very important convenience). When the electric goes out, everything stops. The refrigerator; the TV; the washer & dryer, the furnace and the Coffee pot!! Our lives depend on that jolt of energy that we purchase month to month to make our lives easier.

The car dies, you are trapped in your house and you cannot go anywhere unless you walk, or ride a bike, which takes time and energy that we, who were born into the life of convenience, are to stubborn to depart with. So we sit and wait.

The simple life is missing. A life where cars are not needed; computers are not used; electricity is non-existent; and energy is spent from our own bodies and not from a flick of a switch. Where you plant a garden in the spring and grow your own food; have a family of farm animals to nurture through out the year, and in the fall they nurture you. And where you spend long winter evenings in front of a wood burning fire; playing a simple game of checkers; talking with loved ones, and falling asleep at a decent hour.

We depend too much on the conveniences that have been provided to us, that we loose ourselves in hustle and bustle of our busy lives, that when our “conveniences” have been taken away, we are lost.
Can we survive?