Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My cure for the Economy...

The economy sucks and the government thinks giving money to the Car makers will stimulate the economy. They are WRONG!!! The only thing it will stimulate is the conglomerate’s pockets giving them a cheap thrill! And within a few months nothing will have changed, except now the government will have to be “Bailed out by some other country”

What the government needs to do and I am proposing to each and every one who happens by my blogg, to write or call their congressmen and demand the “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Yes that is what I said “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Here is how it works.

Take the money the government is planning on giving to the multi million dollar companies who can’t seem to manage "pouring piss out of a boot with the directions on the heal”, and give to the tax payers of the United States.

Now we worked the basics out below,
The government gives “US”, the tax payers the bail out money instead of the conglomerates, splitting it up among us. This would approximately give each tax payer about $100,000.00 each. (In some house holds it would be double because of two tax payers)

Now “We The People”, will in turn take this money and start paying off bills; buying new cars; buying new housing; rebuilding on existing housing; buying new clothes; pay for college; take trips; go to restaurants; go dancing; buy groceries; buy gas; have that elective surgery; and save some for a rainy day.
These small actions by “US” the lowly Tax payer will be in the long run “STIMULATING” the economy by “trickling up” the funds that the government provided.

The trickle up theory would make for a much faster turn around in the economy (buy just about 9 months) and the economy would be better, not perfect but better.

If you think this proposal is a good one then please by all means LET THE GOVERNMENT KNOW!!!” Before they throw money away !!

Thank you