Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random thoughts today

Christmas is Seven days away!!

Don’t panic it will be ok

Snow falling softly
Winter lights

Count the many blessings you have
Spread your joy through out the year
Befriend a neighbor

How quiet, how peaceful, at night, just before dawn I walk along the beach hearing the rushing sound of the ocean.

More than ever, I miss me
I am lost within myself
Looking for where I am at.
Where I am going
Where I have been

Still searching

Blending in with the surroundings and not standing out in the crowd
Making choices, good or bad but choices just the same

Learn to see; learn to listen
Give your opinion then shut up and don’t dwell on the subject

Am I strong or am I weak
I have callous on my feet

Do I walk upon your heart
Ignore you from the start

Then warm to your existence
And watch you run in resistance

I walk away and ignore you once more


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas once again......

Once again we dig out the decorations that had been packed away in the basement or attic since last year. Ahhhhhh, the musty smell of Christmas lingers though out the house as we try to put up the artificial tree without the directions once again.
Christmas is a time for reflection for me, to look back on the past years events that have happened to me and others around me.
A lot has happened this past year that saddens me; I have had two deaths in my family which are people that I will miss deeply.
My Grandmother, who died in earlier in the year; she was 98 and had led a very full and eventful life. She was asked one time when she turned around 93, why she has lived so long. Her reply was, “I need to raise my boys”. She was referring to my Dad, and his two brothers, who I know put quite a few gray hairs on her head.
Also, we lost my Brother in-law on November 25th. He leaves behind a legacy of wit and laughter that will be missed by everyone in this family.
I have friends that are going in different directions, one is talking about moving to Boston and another has joined the Peace Corp and will be leaving soon on his adventure. I pray for both their safety and wish them the best in their endeavors.
A lot has made me happy this past year; my daughter doing well in college, my son “finally” doing well in school.
I still have a roof over my head, despite the rising cost of living and the non-rising paycheck.
I am close to my younger sister and becoming closer {I hope} to my older sister.
I have a brother who I have always adored, and his beautiful daughter that he has raised on his own since she was 4. She will soon be 16; boy that time has flown!
I still have my mom and my aunt who live together. They are sooo funny! They will complain about each other in private to either me or my sister’s, however they are right there to defend each other at a moments notice.
I have personally made decisions that will change the outcome of next year. I have been working on my book and will have it ready to submit to a publisher soon. I hope they like it. Once that is done, then I will start my next book.
I am going to continue painting, and I hope that one day I will get good at it.

Pulling back from Theatre, just a little. I need a break anyway.
Still kicking the idea about starting my own business; we will see if this pans out or not.
I am also thinking about taking some classes again.
Looking back, it has been good.
Looking forward, I hope it will be even better.
I'm jumping on the sled and looking toward the future!! Join me!!