Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hard to read.......


I have noticed that some people are not that hard to read. You know exactly what they are thinking before they open their mouths and you have a keen sense who they are.

I have also noticed that others send mixed signals that leads you, then all of the sudden, the plot changes and you are in a totally different chapter of that person. Almost like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide.

And others cannot be read at all. They are not allowing anyone to get close enough to get into their world, or, if they do, they don’t allow you to stay long enough to get to know them. I would not say they are closed off, or stuck on themselves. Maybe they are just shy and are afraid of what people may think of them. Maybe they are hiding from their insecurities.

I am not sure where I fall into these observations.


Granny said...

Noone has ANY doubts as to the kind of person I am when they meet me..I am very up front and honest... Sometimes,to honest.. I hate the kind of person that trys to play head games with me...What I hate MOST is, having to sit or stand there and let them think I believe them.. Example..At work..
Bunch of two facing, tattle tailers there..

Anonymous said...

Oh man Tammy! This post really struck me, because I have been dealing with this to. I strive to be the first, but sometimes stray into the second...I hate when I do that. I don't know why and can't really tell when I am in the moment of doing it, but it happens.

But I think you are an amazing person, and I don't know you that well except for being my stage wife in Crucible! But you always struck me as a genuine article...sometimes you see that, that instant connection with the someone.

This blog forum is a safe way to express ourselves, things we wouldn't say to eachother we feel more comfortable posting for billions of people to read than saying it directly to someone...


Granny said...

Happy Thanksgiving Tam...

Professor P said...

Tammy, you are definitely the first type. What we see is what we get...and we love what we see.

I would have to have you advise me on where I fall on your Human Reading scale. I won't venture a guess as to myself, for I've never had to read me.

Anyway, I'm stuck at work on Christmas for a couple more hours at least. Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year!