Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Ok… I guess I should make some…. Hopefully I can get through half of them before next year……………..

Hear it goes.

1. Become more organized. BIG One on my plate! I have started with the Christmas decorations, by going thru it all and getting rid of stuff and re-packing It all up to fit in one spot in my basement so I can find it next year without Searching thru all of my stuff. (However, I have now found a few items that have missed the storage boxes..... I have also hit the after-Christmas ales…)

2. Loose weight. ANOTHER BIG item to accomplish…. (Sitting here eating Chocolate Kisses that I found at a 75% off Christmas sale isn’t really helping this cause, but the bags of Kisses were only .79 cents!!..{I bought 6 bags}… Justified…… Sale candy does not count toward the diet so I am OK)

3. Cut back on spending….. After the After-Christmas sales are depleted……

4. Exercise my Body…. I have a bike that I bought last year and rode a few times. I am going to try to ride it more this year… weather permitting….. Time permitting…. Body permitting

5. Exercise my Mind…. Ok… I have a mind …. Somewhere….

6. Finish writing my book…. This one I do want to get done this year. I have been writing this book for over 5 years now and I NEED TO FINISH IT!! I hope I can.. IT would feel FABULOUS! And if I can get it published!!

7. Be a Friend…… Keep in contact with old friends…… Make new friends……

8. Don’t get thrown in Jail… OK.. I don’t think I will have to worry about this one too much… However, I do know a couple of Lawyers…. Just in case….

9. Finish projects that I have started….. I have a lot of projects ….. One of them being #1 listed above……#6 above……

10. Take myself out of control …… Imagine…. Play….. Let go….. Fly…..

These are my resolutions for the year…What are you resolving to do???


Granny said...

Hey Tam..
No resolutions here, but wish you ALL the luck with yours..

btw... I like your new front page..

Professor P said...

Yeay for you, Tammy! I just wanted to say "Good luck" on the book writing. If you need me to give you support, a kick in the toucas, or words of encouragement, or some Hershey kisses and Jack Daniels, let me know. I'd love to read a great book from a promising writer.

And, in other events, bring home the hardware @ Roundtable awards on Sunday!