Friday, February 08, 2008

passes and advances.

How do you know when someone is making a pass at you; or a subtle advance? Or was it just a simple touch, a slip of the hand. Where his fingers brush across yours in a way that makes you wonder why he would touch you at all.
Was there a need?
I mean yes, he was handing me something, but he did not necessarily need to touch my hand to hand it to me, but he did.
And it did not feel as a simple touch, but more of a deliberate touch, one where he had to reach out with his fingers and move across the back of my hand, and linger just long enough that it did not feel as an accidental touch.
I talk to a lot of guys at work and a lot of them get a kick out of teasing me, and having fun with me, but I know that it is all in fun and it does not bother me in the least.
But this one guy, I don’t know.
I don’t know, maybe I am stupid and read more into things than I should.
I am not that good looking and I don’t have a body worth looking at either, so why would any one make any type of a pass at me?

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