Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2:30 AM Can't sleep.

It is 2:30 am and I should be in bed, but my mind is working overtime right now and not letting me relax.
Things I have to get done;

Making, or pulling together Pirate costumes for “Pirates of Penzance”.

Cleaning out the basement after the flood;
Dealing with the insurance company over the flooded basement;
The Washer dying after the flood and having to go to the laundry mat and spending time and money to get clean clothes for the week;

Kitchen remodel that has come to a stand still because of the basement flood;

School issues with my son Braden who seems to think a “D” is an acceptable grade;
Making time for my daughter Austin when she calls and wants me to help her;

Work issues/ trying to get projects completed or at least to a reasonable point to where I feel like I have accomplished something instead of spinning around in my chair;
Dealing with other stuff at work;

I wish my mind would not work so hard in making things seem more complicated than it is. Or at least allow my brain to zone out so I could sleep……..

1 comment:

Aye said...

Hate it when that happens. I've found a cure for it, though, just get up kinda early and work your ass off all day, and I'm usually asleep minutes after going to bed!!! I did have an episode of insomnia a couple of weekends ago that was a bit unpleasant.

That is something that I miss not at all about my old job, I used to "take things home with me" then be dwelling on them when I shoulda been sleeping. Of course, there were the rare occasions when I'd wake up in the middle of the night with a solution to a problem I'd been trying to puzzle through, always cool when that'd happen. My current job, the moment I walk out of there, its like a switch turned off!!!