Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My cure for the Economy...

The economy sucks and the government thinks giving money to the Car makers will stimulate the economy. They are WRONG!!! The only thing it will stimulate is the conglomerate’s pockets giving them a cheap thrill! And within a few months nothing will have changed, except now the government will have to be “Bailed out by some other country”

What the government needs to do and I am proposing to each and every one who happens by my blogg, to write or call their congressmen and demand the “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Yes that is what I said “TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS”

Here is how it works.

Take the money the government is planning on giving to the multi million dollar companies who can’t seem to manage "pouring piss out of a boot with the directions on the heal”, and give to the tax payers of the United States.

Now we worked the basics out below,
The government gives “US”, the tax payers the bail out money instead of the conglomerates, splitting it up among us. This would approximately give each tax payer about $100,000.00 each. (In some house holds it would be double because of two tax payers)

Now “We The People”, will in turn take this money and start paying off bills; buying new cars; buying new housing; rebuilding on existing housing; buying new clothes; pay for college; take trips; go to restaurants; go dancing; buy groceries; buy gas; have that elective surgery; and save some for a rainy day.
These small actions by “US” the lowly Tax payer will be in the long run “STIMULATING” the economy by “trickling up” the funds that the government provided.

The trickle up theory would make for a much faster turn around in the economy (buy just about 9 months) and the economy would be better, not perfect but better.

If you think this proposal is a good one then please by all means LET THE GOVERNMENT KNOW!!!” Before they throw money away !!

Thank you


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you are right.
The amount money can guy goes up and down based on supply and demand right?
So if everyone has 100k and can demand a house, nice food, etc, there wont be enough suppply
So sudenly, things will be way more expensive.

However, you are kind of right - trickle up would sort out personal debt.
Say you owe the bank 20k, I mean I know I do.
When food prices go up, wages go up with them, so suddenly even if you didnt pay it off initialy, 20k becomes nothing at all.
However your retirement savings will lose worth too.
Although saying that I'm not 100 percent sure why this doesnt happen when you give it to a company

I'd like that 100k though :)

Anonymous said...


מתן said...

That's great, really. I really enjoyed reading you blog, it's simply wonderful. Keep up the great work, and keep bringing joy to my heart

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy. I just found out about your blog yesterday, looking for another thing. Best mistake I've made this week! :)

I've read all the entries. You're a great writer! I sincerely wish you good luck ;)

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, i've been reading your blog for quite some time now, but as i see a couple of others already having replied to your most recent post, i felt like doing so too. And i have found some "holes" in your plan too.

Doing such a thing as giving each and every tax payer a large sum of money will literally DESTROY the economy from the inside. Almost instantly. Why is that, you ask...

The inflation levels will reach such a high level because of the huge amount of money belonging to a wider mass of people instead of a few and strong, that the dollar itself will lose value almost entirely. And most international or even American businesses dont need more than that. They will just shut off their appendices in america, calling it a "capitalistically dead country", and move to economies where most of the money is still concentrated on the hands of the few and strong, and thus money still has value.

Like it or not, this is the American capitalistic economy system ;)
Believe me, i hate it as much as you do and it's a shame but a fact that large masses of civilians will never, ever have access to the biggest part of money issued, in any society, ever.

Just imagine this. There's a shop, you and a neighbor. You and your neighbor both have 20 euros each, and the shop sells, say, eggs, for 1 euro each. If you suddenly have a hundred thousand of euros, and your neighbor has the same amount, and the whole village or town or city or metropolis has the same amount, and the shopkeeper has a hundred thousand euros. There are to options here:

The shop keeper will quit his shop, being under the illusion that he's rich, and thus depriving the society from the supply of eggs

or b) Raise the price of the egg to, say, a thousand euros so he can keep up with the public need of eggs and still make a profit from it.

Of course, i cant know all about your economy as im not American myself, im Greek.

Anyway, these are purely my ideas, i'd be happy if you could correct them if you like.

And remember,
Life is good, sadness and depression will just make it shorter, so lets just enjoy it for as long as we can ;)

Anonymous said...

Your theory makes plenty of sense to me, but I don't think whether a plan would work or not matters to the rich and powerful. It's an often-quoted fact that a minute portion of the US military budget could put an end to poverty and starvation world wide. It's never going to happen, because for the rich to be rich, there must be those who are poor. For the Car companies to buy labour cheap, there must be many unemployed labourers.
I've enjoyed your blog - keep it up.

Tammy said...

Thank you for all your comments. I do know that my idea has some major flaws in it's inital writing, however, giving money to the car industries that are failing because of their own lack of good sound business judgement just does not seem right to me. There has to be a better way....

Aye said...

My favorite part of this is that someone from Greece commented on it. How's that economy going for them???

I'm of the opinion that throwing money at the problem is not the way to solve it. A year and a few months later, the economy appears to be on the mend, although we still have record unemployment. Seems the bank bailout money has slapped some cheap tape on the house of cards that is our economy.

I think a lot of people have a lot of ideas that would make things better. Couldn't do much worse than the government is doing.