Sunday, April 23, 2006


Today I cut out my daughter's prom dress, and it has made me feel that time has past so fast. I cannot believe that she will be going to a prom this year. It seems that she was born only yesterday. She was laid in my arms, this beautiful little girl 16 1/2 years ago. This child, whom I was afraid of, afraid that I could not take care of her and teach her what she needed in life to survive,. Afraid that she would not grow up to be confident in what she does, Afraid that she would not understand why I don't let her do some things that she feels the need to do. Afraid she would hate me for any punishment that I may have to give her. Afraid of all the outside pressures she would face as a teenager, and her not being able to resist those pressures.
But she has proven to me time and time again that she is smart and confident in all that she does. And she understands that I have to sometimes set limits. She understands when she does something wrong, that punishment is something that she has to take, and she does not stop loving me because of it. And she knows that she has a choice not to give in to those outside pressures, and let others steer her the wrong way.
She amazes me in everything she tries to do, and shows me everyday that she is growing up into a beautiful person. Someone who loves life and is not afraid to face what ever comes her way.
I am grateful that I have the chance to raise her.
I love her so much!

1 comment:

J. Randall Hicks said...

Amen, Tammy!

I have the same fears and questions and doubts about my own daughter. I only hope she turns out half as great as Austin is (in 15 1/2 more years).

You've done a wonderful job raising her!