Monday, June 25, 2007

Things from my child hood

I have noticed that certain smells; sounds; sights and taste, take me back to the memories of my child hood, remembering things that I have long ago forgotten, and in those brief moments, I loose myself.

It is the smell of a wet wooden window sill after a summer rain. This takes me to days when I sat in my room with the window open and I would watch the rain fall on the pine trees around my house and the aroma of the wet wood beneath my elbows would fill the air. I would sit and stare out of the window and day dream.

It is the sound of crickets chirping on hot summer evenings. This brings to mind of nights to hot to sleep in the house and my Dad, pulled our mattresses out on the front porch where we would lay and listen to the night with the Crickets lulling us to sleep.

It is the sight of a dirt road leading the way to town shaded by the trees growing on the hill above. In the autumn, the leaves would fall like snow with the ever present breeze, coloring the road with a multitude of colors like a quilt.

It is the taste of a Sassafras twig pulled directly off the tree to chew on while walking through the woods on a cool spring day listening to the birds sing.

These are my memories from long ago that I share with you. These Memories will soon be tucked away as present day life invades and they will be lost again for a long time until something triggers them to surface once again.

1 comment:

Aye said...

Nicely written, I could almost sense your memories myself.