Sunday, July 02, 2006


Today at church, I held my friends new born baby boy, and in so by doing this has put me in the mood........ I need another baby...... This will never happen, because I am well over 40, and also the means have been tied if you know what I mean. However the urge is still there.
But I love babies. I especially love the ones that are only a few weeks old. They are so pure, so innocent. They fit in the curve of your arm so perfectly... and they sleep so peacefully. And when the curl up when they are in the midst of stretching, that is my favorite.
I sat and held this beautiful baby all through the church, and fed him and burped him as well.
He is a sweet baby. One that I wish I could once again have. But it’s only an urge. Which for most women, the urge never goes away.
At the end of church, he started to get a little restless (most likely needed changed) and fussy. I, at that point was more than happy to give him back to his mom so she could change him. That, my friends is an instant (and temporary) cure for me of wanting a new baby (until the next one comes along).

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